
On this page, we'll use the default prefix of +. Of course, your server prefix may have been changed on the web interface. In any case, add the correct prefix before starting a command. Visit our website




Show a list of commands or details of the specified command.


Get the server online logs, and webpages about a specific user.


+whatis <word>

Word meanings from Urban Dictionary.


Show some information about the bot like the author and essential commands


A simple command to grab some userinfo


Check the health of the connection between the bot and Discord.


Run a quick check of the bot permissions on the channel, useful to figure out why the bot isn't working properly.

+weather [city]

This command allows you to see the weather in custom city!

+roleinfo <@role>

Get info about mentioned role, like position, color etc


Normal say command

+translate [from] [to] [text to translate]

ex- +translate en ja Hello world. Note +t and +ts can be used instead of translate


Shows the available language codes for translation.

+tweet (username) (content)

Send custom tweets using the name and tweet the caller uses.


This commands is used for grabbing Some Fresh Memes


This command is used for grabbing a Fresh picture of a Dog


Random Joke


A fake hack command


Calls for the price of crypto coins. At the moment 4 coins are added.

+bugreport <bug>

Reports a bug to our development team.

+suggest <suggestion>

Suggests a feature to our development team.

Last updated